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Israeli Startup Optibus Uses Tech to Cure Public Transit Woes

In theory, public transportation is a cheap, convenient, and dependable way to travel. In practice, commuting by subway, bus, or train is often a logistical nightmare. With poor service, rising costs, and aging infrastructure, municipalities are desperate for solutions and riders are frustrated and restless. Ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft have wooed some passengers […]

Calcalist: 50 Most Promising Startups

Optibus Founders

Every year on Israel’s Independence Day Calcalist releases a ranking of the country’s top 50 most promising startups. To assemble this list, Calcalist approached many of the country’s most prominent investors, advisors, and entrepreneurs.

This year marks

Optibus' tenth anniversary!

We invite you to explore our history in our interactive “Optibus universe”. 

Learn more about our evolution and accomplishments over the last decade.