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What MaaS Means for the Transportation Industry and How Transit Agencies Can Prepare for It

mobility as a service

You’ve heard of mobility as a service (MaaS). MaaS is about transportation that’s accessible on demand. Is that enough or can we do a better job of explaining it?

Now you can go beyond the hype and demystify what MaaS really means for the future of transportation – and what steps transit agencies can take to get ready for that future.

You will learn:

  • The 3 categories of MaaS
  • The transit risk for each MaaS category
  • How transit agencies can prepare for MaaS
  • What the cloud and next-generation planning and scheduling infrastructure have to do with MaaS

Presenter: David Zipper

Zipper is a Resident Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, where he leads the Initiative on Trans-Atlantic Urban Mobility. David advises numerous startups and mayors about the future of cities, and he is also working with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to reshape its programming in the era of new mobility services. His writing about cities and mobility has been published in The Atlantic/CityLab, Slate and Fast Company.

Original webinar date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019

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