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Rostering the Smart Way: How to Maximize Your Time, Cut Costs, & Keep Your Drivers Happy

Rostering the Smart Way

Rostering can be a painful process.

You’ve got a complex combination of duties and trips, and you need to allocate them while keeping to hard-and-fast constraints like rest time and days off – mixed in with efforts to reduce costs and meet driver requests. And, you might have different groups of drivers that each have separate requirements. To top it all off, it takes so long to put a roster together that you often just have one shot to get it right. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. In this webinar, we’ll show you how rostering the smart way can help you maximize your time, cut costs, and keep your drivers happy.

You will learn:

  • What happens when powerful optimization algorithms automatically make sure you haven’t violated custom rules and preferences (overtime, guarantee time, etc.)
  • The benefits of generating multiple roster scenarios instead of just one
  • How roster groups make it easy to accommodate sets of drivers with different requirements (full-time and part-time, different start times, union agreements, etc.)
  • How allocating standby duties can make rostering more efficient

Original webinar date: Monday, October 7, 2019

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