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Planning and Scheduling for Electric Vehicles

Planning and Scheduling for Electric Vehicles

Electrifying your public transportation fleet isn’t (only) about hardware choices

The electrification of public transportation may be slow, but it’s bound to happen. Most experts focus on “hardware” choices: the buses, batteries and chargers agencies and operators should purchase. It makes sense to ask those questions: EV deployments are expensive and there is a need to mitigate risks, to not discover that the ranges, charging requirements or vehicle count required for a given service is different than planned. Indeed, what is often overlooked is the need for software to properly plan for and schedule EVs. EV planning and scheduling pose complex challenges.

Download this e-book to learn:

  • How to deal with “range anxiety” and “electric miles”
  • The algorithmic challenges of EV scheduling
  • Scheduling a mixed fleet made of both electric vehicles and traditional vehicles
  • Scheduling a 100% fleet and planning capacity, chargers, charging capacity and more

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Planning and Scheduling for Electric Vehicles: Electrifying your public transportation fleet isn’t (only) about hardware choices

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Optimize networks, enhance efficiency, and improve passenger communication


Maximize fleet use, manage mixed fleets, and reduce costs without sacrificing quality


Support agencies and operators with strategic planning, tenders, and optimizations

Workforce Shuttle

Simplify shuttle planning and workforce management


Electrify Fleet

Transition to an eco-friendly fleet with EV planning, procurement and management

Win Tenders

Grow market presence and capacity; prepare, evaluate and execute strategic tenders 


Plan, analyze, and optimize your network with powerful route planning tools.


Streamline scheduling with advanced tools to maximize vehicle and duty allocations efficiently.


Create refined rosters to balance workloads, enhance driver satisfaction and boost retention.


Oversee your real-world operation with real-time allocation, payroll integration, and the Driver App. 

Passenger Information

Deliver accurate service updates and plans to enhance passenger communication.