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概要 英国において、サステナブル&クリーンな都市交通の国レベルのコミットメントにより、EVバスが重要なモーメンタムを向かえています。しかしながら、このEVバスへの移行は、国、自治体、バス事業者、テクノロジーベンダーが一丸となり解決をしなければなりません。 Opitbusのダイヤ/仕業ソフトウェアを利用しているステージコーチ社は、英国のケンブリッジ市の新設の完全にEV化されたパーク&ライド交通ネットワークに、新規にEVバスを30台導入しました。この事は、2022年7月からOptibus社とステージコー …

バス事業者事例:コスト & 利用需要 &ドライバー満足度の最適化


する 勤務シフトAIソリューション

バス事業者/ウェストコーストモーターズ社: Optibusのソフトウェアを利用した、ドライバーの仕業/勤務シフト改善の事例


新しい働き方/ライフスタイルに併せてドライバーによって魅力的で、離職率低減を行う方法 ドライバー不足は世界的な問題に拡大しており、パンデミックは更にその状況を加速化させました。 このeBookは、ドライバーの個別のニーズや条件をより効率的に取り入れることで、どの様にドライバー不足を克服出来るかをご紹介しています。   eBookの内容 世界的なドライバー不足の統計情報 ドライバーの新しいライフスタイルに対応し、離職率を軽減する勤務シフトの作成方法 ドライバーのニーズを取り込み、ドライバー満 …


ケオリス社は、グローバルに公共交通を提供している企業です。今回は同社の上級オペレーションプランナーのCJ ブライト氏にケオリス社のOptibusの利用ついて行ったインタビューとなります。

バス事業者WRTA社の Optibus利用の取り組み

ドライバー不足は、多くの減便や運行遅延を引き起こし、ドライバー自身、バス事業者、自治体へのプレッシャーの増大を起こします。ウェスタンレベニュートランジットオソリティー社 (WRTA社)は、Optibusの路線計画・分析、ダイヤ&仕業最適化のモジュールを用いて、ドライバーの勤務シフトの質を向上させ、経済的観点から、また勤務を迅速に行うといった観点から最適化を行いました。登録ページから詳細情報にアクセスする登録ページから詳細情報にアクセスする

ニューヨークのバス事業者(NICE社) AIによるダイヤ・仕業の自動化&最適化

Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE)は、ニューヨークのナッソー郡、とニューヨーク市東部を運行するバス事業者です。 2012年からNassau CountyとTransdev (以前のVeolia) 間にて、自治体と事業者のパートナーシップを組み、公共交通機関として運行してきました。 NICE社はOptibusプラットフォームを仕業の為のソフトウェアとして選択しました。 仕業はNICE社にとって非常に重要で、時間のかかる業務です。仕業の変更は年4回程行っており、全てのプ …

Abellio UK社がOptibusを利用することでどの様にサステナブルなデジタルトランスフォーメーンを遂げたか

Abellio UKは、スコットランドおよびイングランドで、1日120万人以上の乗客に鉄道とバスのサービスを提供しており、昔ながらのルートを円滑に運行しています。しかし、COVID-19のパンデミックにより、同社は急速なデジタル化の遂行を余儀なくされました。

How Stagecoach drives business growth using Optibus

How Stagecoach, Britain’s biggest bus, coach, and tram operator, improved their operational efficiency and bidding processes using Optibus’ software.

Reducing Co2 emissions with RBU Santiago’s EV fleet

How RBU Santiago, a Transdev operation, used Optibus’ software to plan and schedule their new electric bus fleet.

Saving $130K and Maintaining 100% Compliance With Regulations

Digitization through Optibus helped New Lantao Bus (1973) Ltd. to create more efficient driver shifts that generated around $130K USD in annual savings.

How First Bus uses technology to improve efficiency and services

Optibus spoke to George Burton, Network Performance Manager at First Bus, about his job and the role technology plays in helping his team work smart and plan efficient services.

Private-Public Partnerships: How MV Transportation Collaborates with LADOT

When PTAs and PTOs use the same system for planning and scheduling, it enhances communication, collaboration, and service quality. This case study examines how MV Transportation and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) improve their work processes and speed by both working off Optibus’ software.


現在、気候変動を止めることは、間違いなく世界全体にとって最も重要な課題です。 地球の平均気温はこれまでにないほど上昇しており、自然界のあらゆるシステムに広範な影響を及ぼしています。気温の上昇が、干ばつ、洪水、暴風雨、動植物の絶滅、感染症の蔓延などの原因になっていることは科学的に証明されており、これらは世界中の何百万もの人々に影響を与え、飢饉や居住環境の破壊を引き起こしています。 その解決策として、公共交通機関は中心的な役割を果たします。基本的にバスは、自家用車よりもカーボンフットプリントがはるかに少 …

APAC Webinar: How to Streamline and Future-Proof Your Public Transportation Operations

In this APAC-focused webinar, we welcome you to take an in-depth tour of our brand-new Operations Module, with Q&A, to learn how your organization can streamline and future-proof all your daily operations to increase efficiency, improve service, an …

How to Streamline and Future-Proof Your Public Transportation Operations

Take an in-depth tour of our brand-new Operations Module, with Q&A, to learn how your organization can streamline and future-proof all your daily operations to increase efficiency, improve service, and provide a stellar experience for your drivers …

Saving €600,000 in three months through digital transformation

Viação Alvorada recently won a tender to operate bus transportation in Lisbon. Within three months of using Optibus, they saved over €600,000, became 100% compliant with tender criteria, achieved 90% efficiency for vehicle and duty schedules, and increased operational agility by eliminating limitations on custom events.

Increasing Driver Satisfaction in Public Transportation: Why a new approach is needed

According to a recent survey, almost 80% of bus industry professionals say the driver shortage is one of their greatest challenges.An aging workforce, the pandemic, driver fatigue, a need for more flexible schedules, coupled with competition from deliv …

University of Cape Town Shuttle Digitalizes Operations with Optibus, Resulting in Faster Work Speeds

Overview In consultation with GoMetro, the University of Cape Town (UCT) Shuttle transitioned their manual planning and scheduling processes to Optibus’ cloud-native, AI-powered software platform, resulting in faster timetables changes and better organ …

Public Transportation in 2022: How to Adapt to Changing Paradigms and Priorities

Are you prepared for the fundamental changes in public transport in 2022? This year is all about new paradigms that require new ways of thinking. Join industry leaders from North America and Europe as they each weigh in on key topics including driver s …

How WRTA Mitigates Driver Shortages with Optibus

Overview The operator [driver] shortage has led to large-scale service cancellations and delays and increased pressure on drivers, agencies, and operators. To better manage local operator shortages, the Western Reserve Transit Authority (WRTA) used Opt …

Optibus makes daily operations easier for Via Ouro managers

Background State-of-the-art technology doesn’t have to be complicated to use. Optibus, a software platform that optimizes mass transportation operations, combines a user-friendly dashboard with the most technologically advanced tools for helping transp …

Mitigating Driver Shortages in Public Transport: How to Build Better Schedules that Attract and Retain Drivers

Solving the driver shortage requires a new approach to attracting and retaining bus drivers to the public transportation industry.

The Source: The Ultimate Guide to Help Transit Agencies Navigate Public Policy

When you want to know where the tranpsportation industry in America is headed, go straight to “The Source” — the ultimate resource on what’s new in the industry, and why it matters for you. This in-depth guide will help your organization be better prep …

Scheduling Your Buses and Drivers

Take a free tour of Optibus Scheduling, with Q&A, to learn more about how rapid scenario optimization makes for better public transit

How Abellio UK Uses Optibus as a Sustainable Digitalisation Tool

Overview Abellio UK takes measures to upgrade its data analytics, digital tracking methods, and demand for electric transport. Background Each day, Abellio UK delivers rail and bus services to over 1.2 million passengers in …

Planning Your Transit Network

Take a free tour of Optibus Planning, with Q&A, to learn more about how to: Use strategic planning to improve transit equity and impact the community Plan and visualize your transit network and traffic corridors Adjust trips for frequency and headw …

Simplify the tendering process by integrating scheduled and on-demand services

On-demand transport and scheduled routes are often isolated in their own silos – and that causes inefficiency. Both public transport authorities and private operators lose out as a result. Public authorities and passengers lose out because the transpor …

Winning Back Ridership in the Aftermath of COVID-19

Proving that mass transit can be safe and reliable is more critical than ever in winning over passengers. One year following the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, health concerns and new commuting habits continue to threaten the transportation industry a …

How Urbi Uses Optibus to Build Better Timetables and Schedules in Half the Time

Urbi Mobilidade Urbana, a public transportation operator in Brasilia, needed to improve its operational efficiency, reduce kilometers traveled in Brazil’s capital, and optimize the company’s resources in the face of difficulties imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic – all while receiving government approval to deploy its new schedule.

How the transportation industry can make the most of 2021

It’s no secret that 2020 was a challenging year for the transportation industry. What should we expect from 2021, both globally and locally? And what can we do now to prepare for a better year ahead? Watch the recording of this webinar for a Q&A wi …

Best practices for planning: setting the stage for quality schedules and operations even after COVID-19

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, transit agencies were forced to quickly change their planning, from routes to timetables and blocking. Yet many thorny questions remained unanswered…

Rosters Can Get Complex. Here’s How to Simplify Them.

You already know that using rotating rotas (or rosters) is an effective way to be fair and equitable to drivers, since drivers rotate through each roster line and each have the same workweeks at different times. Plus it’s easier to assign duties to drivers when multiple drivers can be slotted in. But what happens when complexities creep in?

The Case for Roster Optimization

Bus operations are complex, and so is scheduling. It is a combination of craft and science, and transportation operators devote considerable energy to getting vehicle and crew scheduling (aka blocking and runcutting) right. They do this to ensure efficient operations, cost savings, on-time performance and regulatory (and labor rule) compliance. Yet, the same amount of energy isn’t always applied to rostering

11 Tips & Tricks to Win More Transport Business

For transportation operators, winning new business lies at the heart of their strategy. There is no second place, you can either win business for new routes, agencies or areas, or lose the bid. Since many of our customers rely on our expertise to apply …

How Marin Transit Uses Optibus to Manage Its Data and Ramp Up Fast

Overview Marin Transit uses Optibus to improve internal collaboration, work better with PTOs, and manage its transit data in one place. Background Marin Transit is a small to midsize transit agency serving Marin County, in California’s San Francisco Ba …

LVL Jäger – Using Planning and Scheduling to Transform Business

Ms. Carry Buchholz, GM and Managing Partner at LVL Jäger describes the operation prior to choosing Optibus. “Most work was done using manual edits on on-premise software or in spreadsheets, with only one employee having the expertise to perform planning and scheduling work”.

Is Electric Bus adoption only about finance and engineering? What about software?

In Europe, in spite of COVID-19, electrification of bus fleets is still continuing. We must continue to drive cleaner air and energy adoption. Experts, however, focus on the physical vehicle and infrastructure and the actual day-to-day operation is forgotten. Since scheduling EVs is complex, the use of software should be taken into account.

Efficiency in public transport – how can it be measured and does it matter at all post COVID-19?

We will discuss efficiency as well as whether it is of importance post COVID-19 with its reduced ridership and, in some cases, service.

COVID-19 Exit Strategies: How to Ramp Up Public Transportation After Lockdown

This webinar will discuss how the new reality will play out in scheduling and planning public transportation and provide some detailed examples of such scenarios.

Contingencies and Business Continuity – Planning and Scheduling in the Age of Coronavirus

Over the past month, transportation work has been disrupted, with a need to react quickly to changes in ridership and regulations, as well as a need to create contingency plans for many different scenarios.

A practical look at scheduling for efficiency and performance

In this webinar we will take a closer look at scheduling practices and how they can improve efficiency, driver satisfaction and on-time performance

How to Measure and Improve the Efficiency of Your Fixed Route Service

There is no one golden rule of operational efficiency, but improving it can have many benefits. In this webinar we discuss: How to measure transit operations efficiency The importance of focusing on passenger service Using agency and operator cooperati …

The Future of Mass Transit Planning and Scheduling: Five Predictions for the Near Future

In the past year and in the wake of many changes in the mobility world, cities have taken a greater role in setting ground rules for transportation.All this has transformed mass transit and its role in cities, while at the same time, new technologies a …

Rostering the Smart Way: How to Maximize Your Time, Cut Costs, & Keep Your Drivers Happy

Rostering can be a painful process. You’ve got a complex combination of duties and trips, and you need to allocate them while keeping to hard-and-fast constraints like rest time and days off – mixed in with efforts to reduce costs and meet driver reque …

How Tower Transit Singapore Uses Optibus

Using Optibus, Tower Transit managed to make the workflow quicker, resulting in better operational results. Thomas reports that “Optibus give us quite good financial and operational results compared to the previous system we had used, reflecting significant savings for the company.”

MV Transportation Improving Efficiencies

Watch this video to learn how MV Transportation’s Transportation Planning Manager, Elizabeth Stayner uses the Optibus platform and the changes they have seen in their scheduling and planning process.

Quick Scheduling Decisions at Keolis North America

Keolis develops public transport solutions worldwide, and commits to a sustainable and connected mobility. We spoke to CJ Bright, senior operations planner at Keolis North America on how Keolis uses Optibus.

Next Generation Scheduling With Optibus at Nassau Inter-County Express

Learn how Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) modernized its planning and scheduling software, and how such platforms help deal with the challenges many agencies are dealing with. While mobility solutions are driven by immense technology innovation, age …

What MaaS Means for the Transportation Industry and How Transit Agencies Can Prepare for It

You’ve heard of mobility as a service (MaaS). MaaS is about transportation that’s accessible on demand. Is that enough or can we do a better job of explaining it? Now you can go beyond the hype and demystify what MaaS really means for the future of tra …

What Shuttle Operators Need to Know About Planning and Scheduling

New platforms, made for fixed-route operations, are set to transform costs, performance and efficiencies. These platforms can also deliver significant operating improvements to shuttle operators. This webinar discusses the impact next-generation planni …

New York’s Nassau Inter County Express (NICE) chooses Optibus for its scheduling platform

Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) is the local bus system serving Nassau County, New York and eastern portions of the New York City borough of Queens. Once part of the MTA, the system has operated as a public-private partnership between Nassau County and Transdev (formerly Veolia) since 2012. NICE chose the Optibus platform for its scheduling software.

How Next Generation Scheduling Impacts Business

Just like new mobility alternatives are changing the game in the urban transit space, next generation scheduling carries enormous transformational potential. This Webinar addresses the differences of next-generation planning and scheduling platforms, c …

What can next-gen scheduling do for public transport: a Webinar with Leon Daniels

Mobility is going through massive changes, driven by technology. This webinar discussed the changes over the past few years, which made an impact on public transportation – both technological and behavioral.

It’s About Time – Preventing Transit Delays with Better Planning

This webinar replay showcases Optibus’ OnTime capability – the ability to use machine learning and integrate external real-time data to predict on-time performance and create better schedules and plans a a result.




Optimize networks, enhance efficiency, and improve passenger communication


Maximize fleet use, manage mixed fleets, and reduce costs without sacrificing quality


Support agencies and operators with strategic planning, tenders, and optimizations

Workforce Shuttle

Simplify shuttle planning and workforce management


Electrify Fleet

Transition to an eco-friendly fleet with EV planning, procurement and management

Win Tenders

Grow market presence and capacity; prepare, evaluate and execute strategic tenders 


Plan, analyze, and optimize your network with powerful route planning tools.


Streamline scheduling with advanced tools to maximize vehicle and duty allocations efficiently.


Create refined rosters to balance workloads, enhance driver satisfaction and boost retention.


Oversee your real-world operation with real-time allocation, payroll integration, and the Driver App. 

Passenger Information

Deliver accurate service updates and plans to enhance passenger communication.

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