Optimizing Crew and Vehicle Scheduling in Recife with MobiBrasil
Ricardo Rios, Planning Manager at MobiBrasil Pernambuco, discusses how his team uses Optibus to perform faster, smarter blocking and runcutting while reducing costs.
How Marin Transit Uses Optibus to Manage Its Data and Ramp Up Fast
Overview Marin Transit uses Optibus to improve internal collaboration, work better with PTOs, and manage its transit data in one place. Background Marin Transit is a small to midsize transit agency serving Marin County, in California’s San Francisco Bay area. Headquartered in San Rafael, California, Marin Transit has 65 fixed route vehicles (consisting of six […]
MV Transportation Improving Efficiencies
Watch this video to learn how MV Transportation’s Transportation Planning Manager, Elizabeth Stayner uses the Optibus platform and the changes they have seen in their scheduling and planning process.